



MT 6 漆弹 + 九鲁河激泛舟之旅 Paintball + Kiulu White Water Rafting

Tour Code :  MT 6
漆弹 + 九鲁河激泛舟之旅    Paintball + Kiulu White Water Rafting  

从城市酒店出发前往九如,旅途大约需要1个半小时。路途中会经过村庄和稻田,以及其它的壮观景色,包括京那巴鲁山(最高的山峰在马来西亚的美景)。抵达后,我们会在起点玩漆弹。九如河是婆罗洲最长的泛舟激流,奔湍流道长达 10 公里。泛舟活动全程大约需 1.5~2 小时。旅程结束之后,一顿丰盛的午餐就在河岸旁等您来享用。这只是一个简单的放松漂流体验。

Depart from the city hotel to Kiulu, the journey will take approximately 1 ½ hours. Enroute pass by villages and paddy fields, as well as spectacular scenery, including a view of Mount Kinabalu, the highest mountain in Malaysia. At the starting point, ACTIVITY : paintball gae. After the activity, take a walk on the suspension bridge.  As one shoots the 10km rapids, surely one will get drenched by the water.  This is just an easy and relax rafting experience. For those adventure seekers, one can try to dip in the water for body rafting, an exhilarating ride down the rapids without your raft. Pass by more scenic countryside before arriving at the ending point where a sumptuous lunch awaits.

:   凉鞋/球鞋、短裤 T 恤、泳装、防蚊液、防晒油、一套换洗衣服、毛巾、帽子
Things to bring:   A change of clothes,  swim wear,  towel,  insect repellent,  sandals for rafting  &  a dry pair of slippers,  sun block.


              位于Tamparuli区域。车程需1个半 - 2个小时的车程

10:00      到达出发点,进行刺激的漆弹大战。结束漆弹大战后,专业向导会讲解行前安全施,

10:30     开始漂流。游览时间约2小时至终点

12:00     到达终点,梳洗了,准备午餐

13:00     饮饱吃足之后,准备打道回府去了

14:30     抵达亚庇市区

Itinerary :

08:30     Depart from your hotel in the Kota Kinabalu City and proceed to Kiulu River,
  located at Tamparuli area. Journey take 1 ½ -2 hours drive.

10:00     Arrive at starting point
and play paintball first. Safety Briefing will be given by   
               Professional river guide and signing of Liability Release form.

10:30     Rafting commences. Excursions takes about 2 hours to the ending point.

12:00     Arrive ending point, freshen-up and ready for BBQ Lunch.

13:00     Depart for hotel.

14:30     Reach Kota Kinabalu city.

Note:  Participants must be physically fit.  A Liability release form must be signed and understood by the participant before the rafting commences.  The age limit for children  is  5 Years.   Please let us know if you have any dietary  preferences - e.g. vegetarian

团费包含:   来回交通、英语解说员、午餐、泛舟工具、救生衣 和 保险
Includes:       Return transfer, rafting equipment, English speaking guide, Lunch and insurance  
团费不含:    司机和导游小费 = 10马币 /人
Excludes:  Driver & Guide Tipping = RM10/pax   

Minimum:    最少2人成行(公车)              
                        2 Adults Per Order   (Seat In Coach)  

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